good boy make that access scream!!!:D tbh most jmj does look dated except the LEC insecte [in picture, god i want that controller] and the circulaire from the paris le defense gig the roland stuff was good but stock keytars loose most of the coolness of a custom one [except the one used by dreamtheatre because they will never be cool under any circumstances]
but your missing the point Guitarists are the bmw drivers of the music world. nuff said :D
Actually, not been using the Virus much. It's going to take a good amount of fiddling with it before it starts making noises I'm happy with because the presets by and large suck. I know what I likes, and it's not those. But I've been building my own bank up for the next album already. Have used it for a few pads but after trying to replace a few of the lead parts on the album I decided I actually liked the rough and raw sound they had.
I think that's a bit harsh on guitarists mate! I can play both equally well. It's just a different noise. I don't really care where it comes from, though admittedly, they are better looking live. You are stuck physically behind a laptop or synth though I think we do a good job of rocking a synth out as much as we possibly can. Punk electronics. :)
now its a "safe" musical instrument but i bet there is a way to home brew a program to turn it into a midi controller. i really want to try playing glitches on one of them :D
there are links lying round to do a diy laser harp but your limited to 10 notes. and yeah that things pretty unsightly i want a way to have 2 pointers on screen and use two modified wii controllers. that would rock :D
And JMJ went through a very naff phase...that did actually involve Hank Marvin. Though he's cool again now. :)
Orbital...of course. Hmmm, should I take more gear with me on tour, just because I can? And more gear looks better. I'm taking my rack with me.
but your missing the point Guitarists are the bmw drivers of the music world. nuff said :D
Actually, not been using the Virus much. It's going to take a good amount of fiddling with it before it starts making noises I'm happy with because the presets by and large suck. I know what I likes, and it's not those. But I've been building my own bank up for the next album already. Have used it for a few pads but after trying to replace a few of the lead parts on the album I decided I actually liked the rough and raw sound they had.
I think that's a bit harsh on guitarists mate! I can play both equally well. It's just a different noise. I don't really care where it comes from, though admittedly, they are better looking live. You are stuck physically behind a laptop or synth though I think we do a good job of rocking a synth out as much as we possibly can. Punk electronics. :)
"whats that?! wheres the guitars?!!"
"fuckin poof you!"
though yeah i could just be buryites
now its a "safe" musical instrument but i bet there is a way to home brew a program to turn it into a midi controller. i really want to try playing glitches on one of them :D
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