Dec 20, 2005 06:34
you know what?! i disklike christmas a great deal. I can almost say hate it. There is just nothing good about it. SEriously i hate shopping and dont have money so no matter how much i`d like to get ppl nice things i cant. Then my family is ALWAYS fighting when christmas comes around. I never got suprise presents from my parents, seriously even when i was little they made me go with them and choose my gift for me. Whats up with that?! Honestly i think that if they are gonna do that, then i`d rather not get any presents at all. It should be a suprise, yeah maybe i wouldnt like the things i get as much, but i`d know that they were thinking about me when they choose the gift and that it means something. Anyways all i`m saying is that if i`ll ever have kids, i`ll make sure i`ll always get them a suprise of some sort, and NEVER ever have fights/arguments at and/or around christmas time. It just ruins any of the xmas spirit that would be around the house at this time of the year.
Especially now, that xmas is only a few days away, my parents dont talk to me...and anything i say just falls off of `em. :S I know i made a mistake which i regret...but we are all humans and therefore make mistakes. THey arent perfect either. ANd for goodness`s sake I`m 18, when are they gonna start letting me make my own mistakes and not friggin punish me for them like i`m 4. i`m old/smart enough to know when i screw up and know not to do it again, they dont have to be bithces about it. guh it just bothers me so much, and makes me sad. Oh wells what can ya do. Ill just be a good girl and try my best to get them to ease up a bit. I just dont know if they`ll even let me go out for friggin new years eve...especially cause i`d be going with the same bunch of friends. eek, i hope they will try to trust me. i wont get drunk, maybe i`ll have a drink or two, but i`m not even neccesarily planning on doing that. I just wanna have a good time, and hang out with my friends.
ANyways, hope you have a good day!Love You All!