Feb 21, 2005 10:49
Okay this is how I see it, I didn't have chino's house number, I doubt many of you all did, and I doubt if someone called his cell for his mum he'd just tell them to call the house because he probally wouldn't be home anyways. So they "had" to have his house phone number.
Now I doubt this was some prick but probally some misguided person thinking that they were doing the right thing. Obviously it wasn't, it seemed to have quite the domino effect on everybodies lives. Personally I do think Chino needed to stop the huffing and triple C usage and that is something atleast to be glad about. I don't think people really reailze the serious reailty of his condition, the poor kid , my friend , has to shot up every single day and it is drugs but these are drugs so he doesn't die. So I can understand the way that person was thinking. Actually I believe it was prob someone from his church possibly because they would probally have his cell number or maybe someone from band. From there Chino's mum probally started contacting other parents and like I said before domino effect. Hehe Chino's mum actually forbade me to hang out with him before that was pretty damn funny, I would have atleast made sure the huffing thing never happend and def not as much triple C's. So yah that's the jist of what I can think of it.
To the rest of you good luck an i'm so sorry I couldn't be there to help you all. It really sucks to lose everything you've bulit up over the years I think i've done it about maybe 4 tymes now and yah it does really blow. But something tells me this isn't the end for most of you.
To those parents who now read Lj. You are in a new era were excess is everywhere and you should feel LUCKY this is all your kids are doing. How bad can drugs be when your own president has smoked pot? He's admited to it an all, though not like he had much of a choice but to because someone caught him on video tape saying he has. Have any of you ever done drugs? Are you still alive? You shouldn't be trying to make your kids lives the way you want them but trying to make sure their happy in the paths they take, i'm not saying a kid who drinks every single night doesn't have a problem or some kid who shots up or smokes crack doesn't have a problem but like I said you live in a tyme where everything is pushed right into your childrens faces and you have to understand and be able to evaluate the situation in a calm considerate manner. If you fight your kids on every problem it's just going to get worse and worse that's why if it's not directly effecting them in a way that is dangerous to them I suggest not interferring. Just for example how many kids today do you think are virgins? Close to none that's why instead of saying hey no sex say hey I don't want you to get anything or get some chick pregnant heres a condom go have fun. Who's to tell us how old we have to be to do something? I bet I can handle my liqour better then anyone reading this who's over 21 and the law says i'm not responsible enough. I think that's a bunch of bull shyt. Just don't do anything your gunna regret because you may never see your kids again if you push them to far so please let up....
::Edit:: Seems like I was wrong it was just some prick