Ahh... I haven't felt like going to the library lately, so I'm using Luke's computer because he's busy playing some stupid video game.
My hair looks awesome and I got a job at Herbs for Health, but I don't want to work there anymore because the people are all insane.
First, you have the people from the Living Cuisine restaurant half of the room... like fucking Omar who yells at people for drinking soda and tells them that "they don't love themselves/he needs to pray for them/he's sad that they're going to die" if they smoke/drink. I brought in a bagel and a carbonated fruit drink into the building and he stared at me as if Satan in drag had just eaten a baby or something.
Then, you have my "supervisor", Ryan, who is a pussyass obsessive compulsive liar who likes talking shit WAY too much. Omar bitches at him a lot because he smokes and doesn't eat right, and the puss can't even stand up to him. Omar may be annoying, but he's a scrawny-ass twentysomething hippie... and one of the most non-intimidating people I've ever met. Then, Ryan will ask me to tell lies for him so that he can go on excessive breaks and make me do work that I shouldn't be doing. When I work with him again, I'll be putting a stop to that, FYI.
Then... the looniest... Bruce, the massage guy. The guy looks normal. Dresses normal. Acts normal... until he starts talking to you. We started talking about numerology the first day that I met him, and he seemed pretty cool. He's one of those people who is sincerely nice and takes a genuine interest in talking to you, which I like a lot about him. While I was reading some numerology stuff that he gave me, I kinda overheard something about his religious beliefs that he was saying to this girl. He mentioned... aliens. So I figured, "fuck, the guy's a Scientologist." I WISH he were only a Scientologist. I asked him what he was talking about, (DAMN MY CURIOSITY), and he proceeded to "enlighten me." Basically, from what I gathered, his beliefs are a combination of National Socialism, Hinduism, and fucking flying saucers.
According to Bruce, "alien/reptile regenade DNA scientists" from some other fucking star system crash-landed here thousands of years ago, fucked with our DNA, and began breeding with us and trying to slowly control us. It got to the point where if he had changed the word "alien-reptiles" to "Jew," he would have sounded like a Nazi.... who believed in reincarnation. Oh yeah, and the reason we can't find Big Foot? "He's subterranean! And he's a shapeshifter!" Bruce talked to me for about two hours about his beliefs... eventually I just started pretending that it was a sci-fi book reading, and it became entertaining.
Really, his beliefs are
quite hilarious. I wish that I had come up with it, I would have made a bad-ass sci-fi novel and I'd be rich.
Surprisingly, though, I like Bruce better than anyone else there. At least he can tell a good story.