
Jun 26, 2005 02:47


Ok, so tonight i went to this party right. because a friends band was playing at this dudes house and we were gonna try to promote my band a bit. i had a bit to drink and it was all good and fun, cool people, alcohol, etc.   mostly white kids (not to sound racist) but then some black guys showed up, decent looking ones not gangster, then like twenty ass gangster mexicans show up and hang out for a bit. i mean mexicans like, with bandanas lookin all like "eeehhh essay i'ma stab yo ass if you look at me wrong, comprende" and shit. so after them bein there for a little bit someone says cops are on the way so we're getting ready to leave, gathering our friends and such and we're out standing in the driveway and we hear "hey fuck you, you nigger mother fucker" and all of a sudden like twenty mexicans are fighting with like thirty black guys. HUGE fucking brawl in this kids front yard, windows got smashed out of three cars and the fight progressed all across the front yard, and throughout the street. and i saw four guys looking like they were kicking the wall of the house and realized they were all beating the shit out of some kid on the ground. then there's sirens. 8 cops come flying down this dirt road and pulled up to the house, even when the cops got there these kids did NOT fucking care. they just kept fighting. and we left, obviously. we get to my friends house down the street and like five minutes later hear three gunshots.  dont know anything for sure, but we assumed it was the police firing off warning shots to break the shit up. because it was like 8 cops for about 40 kids fighting. craziest fucking night/event i've witnessed in quite some fucking time. and. that's my story for tonight. don't you wish you could live in the miraculous state of california?

Goodnight for now.
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