(no subject)

Feb 09, 2005 12:02

I found a cure for my insomnia. Tool. Yes. I just leave my Aenima cd on, and I'm asleep by Pushit.

Last night, I dreamt I was in this run-down school/church. Usually, when I dream about school, it's in this one place. The teachers are always the same-- never wanting us to leave, magical, old, FEMALES. Ew. Well, anyway, it was a psychiatrical health department. I saw one girl who was in my gym class, (ROXIE-POO MIGHT KNOW WHO I AM TALKING ABOUT, AND IN CASE SHE DOESN'T WANT HER NAME TO BE USED, HER CODENAME IS VAG). Vag was there, and so was this other girl I'll call TIME.

I sat in the waiting room, and asked TIME where VAG went. She said VAG went in and is never coming out. Then it turned out the room which we were waiting to go into was a crematory. So I just.. stood up really calmly and left. TIME wanted to stay because she was reading a magazine, and she was waiting for her boyfriend SPAN to come and join her in the flames. The atmosphere was eeriely peaceful, and the woman at the desk was a bitch.

Roxie-Poo and I went to the nurse during lunch. Being the clever devil she is, she concocted a plan. She took one door from the dean's office whilst I went through the actual office's door. The woman there was really old. I used my common "I have cramps. Can I lay down?" excuse. She said, "WHAT?" and glared. I repeated myself, and her finger SLOWLY moved to the door behind me. We couldn't stop laughing when we got into the room, for some reason. It must have sounded weird from outside.

Then I had to piss. I walked out of the room, after waiting patiently as she held the phone up to her ear, saying "HELLO?" while it was still ringing. It eventually stopped ringing. "Where's the bathroom?"


"...Where's the.. bathroom...?"

Then she slowly lifted her finger with a sort of appauled look on her face, pointing to the door next to the room with the beds.

I was written up by my english teacher, who is definitely not Ms. C. I don't even know this ones name, but she really doesn't like me at all. Constantly looking at me with this look like "Ew scum leave my class you are not wanted" when she thinks I'm not looking. Fucking irritating. Of course I'm not going to supervision. Ms. Brown is really nice to me, which is not something usually said. I'm just fucking special.

Hey, who wants to come over and watch Shaun of the Dead?

You know what? Fuck it. Everyone come over and watch. We'll have a pizza party. It'll be angry-fun.
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