we think

Apr 12, 2005 00:32

pull the acrid smoke deeper into deflated lungs
feel it tug at your bleeding, licorice-rope throat
you've become so numb with the influx of feeling
do you cry, do you laugh, do you scream, do you dance?
do you run manically through the streets quoting lady Macbeth?
yanking at your hair and panting mad dancing around a newly laid grave
talking to yourself in whispers because you've lost the one who listens
do you forget about the others? do you remember they care?
do you lock yourself away from sunlight? curl upon the darkness?
or do you reach for the angel laying by your side?
his scent of green tea and raspberries, a hint of the woodsmoke from a rumbling fire is welcome, warm and close
it bleeds away your scent of snow and mint and winter earth
makes you think of warm summer and life
but can you accept that when someone so close is now so far away
where you can never touch him again, where his laughter will never be heard
where his skin will never be tasted, his mouth never licked with longing
his body no longer warm enough to comfort
now slipped away into the forever night
did he find heaven? is he finally happy? or does he still fight with himself?
i hope he's found peace, because i need this angel beside me
my stability, my hope, my light
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