Forgetting the Important People

Sep 16, 2008 21:46

So, talk like a pirate day is this Friday, the 19th. I found the official website with funnee videos and opportunities to be pirate and believe pirate and buy pirate. Then the vidoes took me to youtube, and i watched the pirate's ABSeas and the cap'n slappy rap and eventually ended up at the land of PIRATE VS. NINJA. PIRATE VS. NINJA was whole new world of love and conflict and bad accents. Inspired by watching all this nonsense, my husband invented a new game called ZombieNinjaPirate, very similar to RockPaperScissors. I was very happy with this new entertainment.

Then, because I'm a paranoid trooper, I became curious about what the internetwebzone had to say about this so far unshared new invention. Turns out the lovely new game is not such a new concept. Turns out the lovely new game left out the Robots.

We forgot the Robots. Gosh, I'm so out of the nerd loop.

I hope the Robots don't try to eat me in my sleep.

Oh shit. What about the Clowns?
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