wait i'm not dead [fandom update]

Jun 03, 2011 00:52

HELLO this isn't fic, sorry, I hate these posts but shit, man, it's all I've got right now.

Working on that next chapter of So Far Gone for a special girl's birthday 4+ weeks ago; it's still a fucking mess I'm trying to wade my way through. Who knew Spones/OT3/everyone-on-everyone would be so fucking difficult?

And I'm doing my first rpf_big_bang this year! I have like, an outline in Scrivener and everything! And about 3K written because I actually find it interesting! It's Trek RPF with as many gratuitous misc actor/actress cameos I can cram into 15-20K. PS: there will be a lot, they will be out of left fucking field, and they will be purely for my amusement, so get ready to Deal With It.

Mostly though, warm weather is here in the Northeastern US and being outside with alcohol is fun, so writing is happening slooooowly but naps and reading in the park nearby are happening often.

jfc withthepilot is right; I sound drunk all the time. SUMMARY: I'M WORKING ON MORE STORIES. ALCOHOL WILL BE IN ALL OF THEM, AND IN ME. THE END.

this is not fic

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