When you start doing drugs, you have no idea how much it'll change you. I know I didn't anyway. All you really know is that amazing high you get when you're on them; Then you return to good ol' Danny, and it's no big deal. After awhile, you sadly realize that your life sorta depends on the drugs. It's not really for that high anymore, more of just to feel-- normal. It's hard to describe to people who've never done drugs, they just have stupid comments like, "Don't you care about your family?", "You know you're killing yourself?", "Why would you even start using drugs, idiot,". Hear me out when I say, if I could go back and change what happened, I would. I'd give anything. But you can't dwell on the past.
Waking up is hard to do after a night of partying. Everything's hard after a night of partying, actually. You don't think much of the early morning struggles, besides, I was never a morning person anyway.
"Do you kids realize it's 4 in the afternoon? Get the hell outta bed and do something. Maybe get off the crack while you're at it."
I only open my eyes slightly; Too much light, a migraine straight from hell, and my stomach starts doing flips like a happy ass cheerleader. Good night Dad.
Dad. That guy-- That guy took care of me my entire life. Sure, we never really got along, but he still fed me and gave me a place to stay-- free of charge. Of course when you're a kid, you don't consider those valid points to be thankful for, you call that basic shit you're parents have to give you. Parents; No parents. A parent; Dad. Mom? Where was Mommy my entire life? Who the fuck knows.
Let's get outta sappy shit though, my dad lives on cable T.V. I use the drugs, and he uses cable to forget about everything in our lives that's wrong. I probably should've tried the cable first, ha-ha.
Instead, I turned into a vampire, daytime meant sleep, night meant get fucked up. Nope, can't call it awake; I walked around like a zombie. I'm just all sorta creatures, anything but human. Maybe you could even call me the sex god, and Abbie the sex goddess.
Sex is way better when you're high, that's all I can really add to that topic.
Buying illegal substances is always a risky thing to do. I was never afraid of being caught by the police; There's way too many murders and shootings to worry about the people selling some goods. I always got my stuff from the same two guys, Jordan and Dahvie. I can't say we were friends; Acquaintances maybe. Jordan had the tough, rugged, drug dealer look, but I was never intimidated by it. He seemed like he was all talk, like everyone back in middle school. Dahvie looked like a little kid to me. A lost kid; Not wanting to be here, but here anyway. He reminded me of myself, but babier.
"So Scream, I hope you got my money for that last round." That dirty look never left Jordan's face.
"Well Walker, I don't, And I wanted to take another round. I'll give you all the cash at once, asap." Deals were what these guys were all about. He laughs sarcastically.
"You must be fucking crazy! I told you I needed the goddamn money, TODAY. Cash is tight everywhere, and I don't need to be dealing with kids like you who wanna take me as a dumbass. You better hand me what you've got now; Without the shit."
Buffing to sound tough? I thought he was. Too much cursing to sound too serious.
"Hmm, well I don't think I'll be giving you anything. If you don't wanna sell me some, that's alright, there's plenty of other dealers in the neighborhood. Have a good day." I loved pulling a sarcastic voice on these guys. They were even below me on the chain of life, I felt like it was okay.
"So we gotta beat the money out of you? Great, I needed some action," Dahvie jumped into the conversation trying to sound tough. I chuckled at that.
"I'd like to know what the hell is so funny. I want my goddamn money TODAY!" Jordan got loud and serious. I don't know what it was about that moment, but I was honestly scared. I didn't have money, and I didn't wanna get beat up, I guess. I never thought these guys were too tough, but looking into Jordan's eyes while he was yelling, I could see the hate and the merciless fire burning in them, almost literally, and over something like money-- it scared me. I felt like a little kid again, who needed to get out of a sticky situation; I took off.
Jordan was chasing after me, but luckily I was faster. I jumped into my car and drove off, speeding down the road, and taking the back roads to get home. I figured there were too many turns for him to follow me and remember where my house was-- time to look for a new dealer! Later that night, I got a call that froze me up, but not before making my cheeks warm.
"Scream, Scream, Scream... I'm not sure what you were thinking, tryin to run away from me! I could tell you a story, but I'm gonna save my breath. You're fucked, I don't even care about the money anymore, trying to cheat me out is where my patience died. I'm talkin too much-- I'll kill you; Right at that pretty pink house of yours. Have a good night." Jordan hung up before I could even say a word. I don't know what I'd say anyway. I was scared again, twice in the same day, I was becoming a wimp.
What was my next move? Was he only buffing? Should I tell him I'll give him his money? I got it; I'll ask Abbie, she's chop full of great ideas.
Ha-ha. Yeah, right.
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