Rant :/ About How Things Are

Jul 22, 2009 05:10

  • You make me unhappy sometimes because you're so unhappy. Can you try to be happy sometimes? Please? Because I know you were annoyed when your friend said it, but its true, if there was a reason someone wouldn't want you around it's because you're so negative. So please stop with it. I'm trying to be ok with you, I really am. But apologizing over your msn headline, just isn't really enough. But I'm gonna do my 'I'm supportive! So it's ok!'  thing. Even though I really rather not be supportive and it's actually not ok.
  • I'm waiting for ym parents to un-ground me for the summer. It's bound to happen soon, because I've already been grounded for the summer like three times, but the four days I've just only been at home, have been hell. I just want to be with people other then my family, plz and ty.
  • I went to the doctors today/yesterday. And I was right about my skin thing. :/ Now I have to apply some cream shit twice a day... and I'm a lazy person... D:
  • I loooovvveeee all my new music! Ty ontd_twatlight  for Mixtape Tuesdayysss.
  • I think in the last three days, my favorite song has changed 6 times... that's a whole new record for me! x]
  • I need to do my summer homework. I need to do my summer homework. I need to do my summer homework. Why am I so god damn lazy?!? This is going to bite my ass when I want to do crap next month but I have to do my homework instead.
  • I love ontdhp  you guize make me happy. And fill me lulz. I'm glad I joined. GO SLYTHERIN! W00T W00T.
  • I think I'm gonna start/continue rebuilding my itunes, even thought my ipod got stolen is gone. Hopefully I'll get a touch for my birthday, and this one won't get stolen lost, like the other two. I miss my pink mini... I mean I miss my black nano G3, but my mini... was just something else. I loved those god damn bricksss...
  • I want to go to my old elemetry school and see if any one remembers me. I doubt they will but I still wanna go. I mean I grew up there.
  • I'm not so sure I want to move back anymore. I kindof do, I kindof don't. If I stay things will be a lot better for me, I have a lot more friends here then I do now from there. But my besties are from there. I'm so lost. Maybe just senior year then y/y? But we'll see, that's a long time from now.
  • I'm tired. So I'm going to bed now, probably. Goodnight/mornring.
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