Title: Hide The Tears
Pairing: Benji/Joel
Summary: Angsty sadness... "I can’t look into your eyes and know what you’re thinking. I feel as if my source of oxygen has been cut off. And when you look at me and ask me if I remember the first time we were together, all I can do is nod."
Dedication: Bolero from fd.net, Ashy & Kaysea
Hide The Tears )
Comments 6
One day you’ll know I smiled to hide the tears."
*tear* that was sooo beautiful. *sob* you dont even know holly anne. *sniffle* there is no way in hell that coulda sucked.
u seriously need to write a novel. *nods*
~Vanilla Coke~
seriously, everything ive read of your makes me come back for more, and you are truly gifted as ^ there said, write a novel!!
keep up those last line things you can do, it just...its brilliant.
(jessvee) <--ha ha you probly think im your stalker now or something. lol
Hehe my own personal stalker? SWEET!!! I'll even tell you where I live if that helps hahahaha ;)
I mean, seriously? can you write any better? no, I don't think so.
can I make sweet love to you like I should for writing that beautiful piece of ficness? and dedicated to me. good lord =*) you own big time.
that was fantastic. wonduhful, wonduhful. write more of everything soon. soon soon! =)
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