the wheel of life

Jul 14, 2003 11:49

so everything was going fine in my life...
the boring routines at work...
the great amazing dancing...
the boys...
the men...
and all this other stuff...
so many has happened over past few weeks but im not sure if it's still worth it to share it...

but then...yesterday came...
i found out that starting next week im gonna be really broke...
i mean like, broke broke, like totally no money...until i get my pay check again, which isn't until the 27th of tis month...
i have credit card bills, i needmoney for my dance classes, food money for everyday...and all this other stuff

im getting desperate...guess what i came up with...
ive thought and talked of it before but i dont think ive ever been actually this serious about it...
i know this guy from the dance studio who does a lot of porn movies...that's one choice
or the other, i could look for a place to strip or pole dance at...i think i have enough skills to do it...

i really do need the money, and i think im willing to get it in any way i can...

soemtimes it's on ur side, sometimes it just isn't
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