See Facebook for bike awesomeness

Jan 06, 2007 21:31

I'm gonna be using Facebook to note my rides as I'm starting up again on Wednesday, but here's a teaser. I've used google's GMaps Pedometer to plot out routes... well...ok... two routes so far. This one is the 5k [3 mile] ride I get to do on Wednesday as my first training spin. This guy is the 16k [10 miler] Jeff and I have done a couple of times.

January is buildup month so that I will feel comfortable doing a 10 mile ride.

Rides are on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. Wednesday is kinda tricky because I have class 10-12, 2-3, and 7-10. I'll be fitting those rides in somewhere around 3:30-6. Jeff has expressed interest in joining me when he can; it'll be nice to have a cycling buddy from time to time.

3 5 5
5 8 8
8 10 10
12 12 15
takes me to February 4th and then it goes
12 15 18
15 20 25 [15 on valentine's day teeeheeeeeee]
And the official first week of the STP training schedule in fact starts during reading week:
Wednesday Feb 21- 10 miles
Saturday Feb 24 - 10 miles
Sunday Feb 25 - 33 miles

If you're not on Facebook and you care to read about my journeys in cycling, then too bad. :-P I want to flaunt my rides to lots of people I barely know. [Though, I wouldn't brag about being able to do a 5k loop around part of campus...]

that's all!


EDIT: OH!! I almost forgot ~ If you want to -create- a route as a suggestion for me to test, that would be wicked awesome.
Please do them as corresponding to a given mileage I've listed above.
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