I just balanced my checkbook, since I got paid yesterday.
Because of some unexpected expenses that I have had pop up in the last week or so, I am going to have $7.25 to live off of until I get paid again on the 15th.
I'm still waiting for the money that work owes me for the stuff I bought for pride month (it was supposed to be in my account last week, and wasn't - was told I should have it by the 4th), and I found out that my insurance has paid out the maximum already for my medical treatments, and can't reimburse me for my co-pay on some of my medical visits.
I have at least one Dr's appt before I get paid again, and I need to get groceries. I also owe my roommate money for my portion of the bills.
I need to find something else for work... The website isn't working out the way I'd like it to. I know it takes time, but that is something that I don't really have right now....