Title: Blissfully Ignorant
screaminglungsRating: NC-17
Challenge: Written for the
hprwfqf te prompt being...Post-war - 30. They're both married (het) and cheating with each other, and feeling bad about it but not doing such a hot job of stoppiting. Now what?” Ron’s POV
Summary: They say that ignorance is bliss and Ronald Weasley is certainly an ignorant man,
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Comments 1
I love your snuffles universe and the Growing Harry series.
I liked this story. I'm more of a Harry/Darco shipper, but I do read the odd Harry/others as well. I thought this story was well written and that you Ron was how I imagined an older Ron would be. I've friended you, so I hope that's okay. Thanks for sharing all your stories.
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