Old series remembered and a headache

Mar 24, 2010 20:45

So it's been a week or so since I last updated. I would love to entertain you with long and incredibly exciting tales of what happened since then, but: 1) Little happened, truth be told. 2) My head. It hurts.

I can tell you about both of those. My head hurts because I got up today at 6am (after going to bed at midnight) to get myself together and meet with my teacher and a fellow student at 7.30. You remember that competition I told you about last time? I got into the interview and that's why we had to leave so early today. We left at 7.am and got back home at 6pm. I am sooo bloody tired right now. And my head hurts because our teacher likes to listen to the radio, non stop, at high levels. I think that and lack of sleep did me in.

The interview itself went fine. The competition was strong so I finished at the 10th place (the first one with award, yay!), but at least I got better questions this year. You always get two subjects to choose from, time to decide on one and prepare a little bit and then you talk with the examination board. I really love the head of the board committee - he's this bright and easy going older guy from some English speaking country. Either UK or Canada, I think. I would love it if he were my professor. But I'm going off the track. I was saying that this time I got easier subjects to choose from. I got: 1. '"Nowadays young people have lots of freedom and no responsibilities." Do you agree?' and 2.'Does traveling always broaden the mind?' which is much better then last time when I got something about politics and art in everyday life.

Anyway, with 10th place I won a mp4 and another (second one) year of study at this school (private and not prestigious at all) for free. I also met, while waiting for my interview, a gal who was the last one and talked with her a bit. In the end she was 2nd! The winner actually didn't show up when they were announcing the results because she had to leave home quickly or something. Her teacher took the prize for her.

I'm still planning on going to the Casino on Friday with Life Guard and Merry Barmaid. I really hope it'll work out.

Let's end this post with some celebrity gossip:

Katherine Heigl  is leaving "Grey's Anatomy"
"I am done," Katherine told the mag. "We just finalized our agreement. Everyone had been working really hard to find an amicable and gracious way of letting go and moving on. It's sad but it's what I wanted."

Despite landing multiple big screen roles over the years, the actress said her motivation to leave the series wasn't for bigger and better projects -- but rather due to her growing family.Katherine was slated to be in the final five "Grey's" episodes this season, but that plan has been scrapped - a change she hopes the viewers will be understanding about.

"I know I'm disappointing the fans," she told the mag. "I just had to make a choice. I hope I made the right one."

Katherine is also prepping for the role of Stephanie Plum, the protagonist in a series of novels from Janet Evanovich, which she will bring to life on the big screen. And earlier this month, she revealed her first step in her Stephanie transformation by changing her blonde locks to a deep, dark brown.

"I'm attached and we were going to do this movie, but I just wanted the fans to know [how committed I am], because blonde Katie Heigl probably wasn't people's idea of Stephanie Plum from New Jersey," she told Access Hollywood's Billy Bush last week at the ShoWest Awards in Las Vegas.
The actress said she wanted to go brunette early to get into the role of a bounty hunter with attitude from Trenton, N.J. and to make the fans of the series know she is committed. "I just thought that I wanted to get them on board now; I can do this. I'm committing to her," Katherine said. "I want you to know that I am not going to disappoint, or I'm going to try not to."

I always like her. I first saw her in 'Roswell' (and, by god, if you haven't heard of it then check it out!) and she was my favourite character there. The series was about a band of teenagers who had a secret. One day one of them, Max, compromised it by saving a girl who got shot. You see, they had strange powers, and, as we learn later, were actually aliens. Heigl's character, Isabel, Max's sister, had this kick-ass ability to travel in her dreams, see what happened with certain things in the past and so on. (Meaning, I don't really remember.) She was also the ideal cool high school girl, one of the elite. Always looking perfect, a great student and totally normal in every possible way. Also, a tiny bit anal about things.
But I loved her and when I saw Heigl in TV a few years later was very surprised. Still, I'm happy that she became successful, even though I never watched Grey's Anatomy. But hey! I saw '27 dresses' and loved it! Her and James Marsden are some of my fav young actors. So here, have some pics and a quote from Roswell:

Isabel: And what are we? You want to know what I think, Michael? I think it's time you either put up or shut up.
Michael: Very poetic, Isabel.
Isabel: You act like a 5-year-old. When are you going to grow up and stop blaming everybody else?

Isabel: Yeah. How about the girls who hang out with you to meet a better class of guys?
Tess: Or the guys who say they understand you and really just want to be your friend, but all they really want is 15 minutes alone with you in the janitor's closet.
Isabel: We have an eraser room.

Isabel: (to Michael and Max) Can't believe I'm in the eraser room with you two.

Phillip: Are you sure you guys really want to do this?
Max: We've been looking forward to it.
Isabel: Yeah, absolutely. (Under her breath) Mosquitoes, pit toilets, and animal droppings. Yes!

Michael: No, not ever. No one ever comes for me.
Isabel: I will. Whenever you need me.

Isabel: Here's your answer. (Isabel throws Hank's drink all over him) If you ever touch Michael again, I will kill you!

Isabel: So you got a raw deal, no one's saying that you didn't. But, God, Michael, you finally have a chance to change it. Would it kill you to ask for help, just once in your life?

And here's a pic of Max, Isabel and Michael. Did you already guess that I would ship Isabel and Michael like crazy if the show was still airing?

my life, movies, trivia, news

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