Besides completing today the payment for my German Certificate (and paying for it through my nose) and visiting my friend again for our Winter Break geography study group I also found second amazing list in just under three days. The first one is a
merlin_finders search result for great fics that are unappreciated and need more lime light. A huge list of fics that turned up is all thanks to
afortunatefew who asked this question.
A list of ArthurxMerlin fics that are just not recced enough And besides that while cruising Wikipedia today I stumbled upon AFI 100 Years... lists. They are apparently lists 'celebrating 100 years of the greatest films in America' and they encompass such categories as movies, stars, laughs, heroes & villains, quotes ans so on. All from movies!
AFI's 100 Years… series I'm also searching for songs to dance to on my birthday party! HELP ME!!!
They need to be both fast paced and, if possible, widely known. They can both be older pieces like Elvis (although him we already have) or new ones like 'I Gotta Feelin'' by Black Eyed Peas. It's just that if it's a new piece it needs to be well known. And the songs can't be too quick since people are going to dance, so no music that' usually in clubs because it's too fast paced. I will take any help I can get, please!