Title: Paradise City Chapter The Seventh
Author: Screamer06
Pairing: Izzy Stradlin/Axl Rose/OC
Notes: I have no idea what Axl calls his pets or even if he had any, so I made them up. And THANK YOU to my beta, extraho 606 for lots of patience with me.
Disclaimer: I don’t own, nor am I associated with Axl Rose or Izzy Stradlin. This is for entertainment only. This is not meant to offend. No monies were made.
Warning: Some hints of male/male fornication.
Axcelise and his cousin Ian were in the front room, they had the dance mats out to the games console and the music thudded heavily thorough the surround sound. They were in the middle of the very intense dance off and Axcelise was winning. Ian said it was because Axcelise was only wearing leggings and a tee-shirt that fell off his skinny shoulder...it was better than his own jeans and sweater for dancing in, that, he concluded was why he was losing. Axcelise was having none of it poking and jeering at his sour faced cousin.
Axl was woken by the thumping beat and flopped his way downstairs only to collapse on the sofa and turn the telly down. It was only then Axcelise noticed his father, curled up round a cushion.
“Oh hi dad, did we wake you?” Axcelise asked as he saw his father peering at them with narrowed eyes.
“No, I was awake.” Axl rumbled at his grinning son.
“You okay dad, you look, I dunno...different.” he replied with a shrug.
“Yeah I’m okay, have you boys eaten yet?”
Realising they were hungry after their morning excursions, Axcelise and Ian ran to the kitchen and decided to make pancakes.
“Why can’t they do anything quietly?” Axl croaked at the cat, who was sniffing his face.
'The Boys' were sitting at the table stuffing pancakes into their mouths and generally making a mess when Beta walked in, took one look at the kitchen and walked out again. She walked through the front room to see Axl dozing with the cat sitting on his legs. He looked peaky and she felt his head, it wasn’t too warm so she went up to make beds. She noticed that Axcelise was getting used to the idea of having a house keeper also and hadn’t made his bed. Oddly neither had Axl.
Beta wondered about doing things as they needed doing between phone calls and concerned looks at a pale Axl. It was lunch time and Axl was finally with it enough to talk to people, or in this case, do some paper work. Axcelise was trying to be quiet but was feeling restless. He wanted to get out and wonder or just do something. Axl was being boring, Beta was being boring, his pets were asleep.
“Sporn!” Axl called from the kitchen were paper work was spread over the table. Axcelise answered his father’s call and wondered whether or not it was necessary to shout that loud or Axl just couldn’t help it, or he had forgotten the intercoms again. Axcelise came to the conclusion that his dad just liked to shout.
He poked his head round the kitchen door, “Yeah?”
“What are you doing for the next three weeks?”
“Jeeze dad, I don’t know what I’m going to do in an hour.”
Axl smiled in an apologetic way, sometimes he forgets Axcelise had an accident leaving him easily overwhelmed with simple choices.
“Sorry, I was just wondering...”
“Can I have some ice cream?” Axcelise popped his head out of the freezer holding a tub of cookie dough ice cream.
“Yeah sure, and use a bowl and spoon, not your fingers. Come sit with me?”
After rolling his eyes Axcelise sat down next to his father and ate ice cream.
“Sporn, I know your bored here.”
Axcelises blue eyes looked into his father’s green ones, and fought the rising panic.
“No, no I like it here with ‘Frady Cat and Milly Dog and Miffy.”
“Who’s Miffy?” Axl asked, frowning.
“My rat, duh.” Axcelise made his eyes as big as he could and tried to be his cutest; “Please don’t send me away.” He said in a small voice.
“Oh silly git, I don’t want to send you away. I wanted to know if you wanted to come on tour with us or stay here.”
Axcelises eyes lit up. “On tour !? For real !?”
“Well not quite it’s just a few warm up gigs before the big one.” Axl tried to forward his son against the excitement that visibly bubbling just under the surface.
“Can I come on the big one with you?”
“Well, ugh, we’ll see yeah? Go pack.” Axl said with an enthusiastic smile that he didn’t really feel, he watched his son limp up the stairs as fast as he could. He sipped ice water and wondered if he was getting sick.
Axcelise was practically hanging out the window of the car as they were driven to the air port. Axl yapped away on his phone, shooting worried glances towards his son, wondering whether or not he should hold on to the back of his jeans to stop him falling out the window. Axcelise had travelled in the limo with his dad before but not enough for it stop being a thrill yet.
They got to the airport and checked in. Axcelise was munching on a bag of crisps. It was the only thing Axl could think of giving him to get him to sit damn still. Despite his son being mildly annoying at the moment Axl was hoping this short time away was going to help him bond with the boy. Thankfully Axcelise wore out quickly now and was asleep by the time they were in the air.
Axl wondered what Axcelise was like when he was little. Did he sleep though the night? Who was his first girlfriend? Does he even have girlfriends?...hum, okay that one was a little heavy and Axl tried his best not to think about it but his mind refused to obey and kept drifting back to the subject. Personally he had never slept with Izzy, well not in the gay sense anyway, but they had shared a bed...lots. So Axcelise and Izzy had probably slept together or had they actually slept together. Okay that was gross and he really really didn’t want to explore this anymore.
Axcelise slowing cracked open one eye as the plane touched down.
“Hey there sleepy head.” Axl cooed at his son like he was a toddler. Not that he would admit it, but Axcelise liked it sometimes. His various step and foster parents rarely indulged him as a child, but they didn’t put him in cupboards ‘for safety’ or leave needles around because they were too doped up to remember to put them away, or cook him dinner. His various other ‘parents’ made him do his homework and insisted he wear ironed clothes and more often than not they ate as a family.
Axl was very traditional like that, they ate at the table at least once a day, he loved it when he could hear Axl creep into his room at night to stoke his hair to tuck the covers around him. They were met at the air port by several cars, an entourage and fans.
“Don’t talk to the press.” Axl mumbled in Axcelises ear as the doors hissed opened and they entered the pushing and shoving. Luckily Axl was ushered though rapidly, clutching his sons hand tightly so as not to lose him in the crush. Lenses were shoved in his face and people screamed at his father. Axcelise could feel the rising panic at the amount of people, it started as a tingle in his hands and rose to a flutter in his stomach. He went hot, and confused he looked left and was met by a camera flashing in his face. He looked right and was taken aback by a screaming fan who he swore was foaming at the mouth.
Then he was in the car, and the door was shut behind him and he slowly let go of his father’s shirt leaving a crinkled patch in the fabric.
Just breathe.
“You okay?”
“Argh...what yes, fine.” Breathe.
The car was a nice quite, safe space for Axcelise. He sat close to Axl needing to feel the reassurance of his father’s stronger, bigger body against his. This didn’t go unnoticed by Axl and he put his arm round the thin shoulders of the boy next to him.
“I just don’t like all the crowds and the noise.” Axcelise said by way of explanation. Axl merely squeezed his shoulder wondering whether or not bring him on tour was a good idea. If need be Axl could send him home with an escort. Axcelise looked at his dad and noticed the sweat on his face. He still looked a little pale, Axl leaned forward to open the window feeling uncomfortably hot.
His farther lying down, Axcelise was free to wander about. He stuck close to the hotel they were staying in. Axl had an entire floor for the band and entourage. He rounded the corner and started to back away.
It turns out the street they were one was mostly hotels and guest houses with some expensive eateries thrown in for good measure. There was a group of fans and ‘paps’, they had got the wrong hotel. Was this it...was Axcelise just going to run every time something made him feel uncomfortable? He felt shaky and weak. He put his head down so his cap would hide his face. His heart pounding in his chest, he felt like he wanted to be sick...one foot in front of the other he started to walk past the crowd. A couple of girls looked and smiled. He smiled back but continued walking. Soon he looked behind him and they were still standing there waiting for Guns for appear.
Smiling broadly Axcelise put his head back up. He’d done it on his own. Passed all those strangers all by himself.
The sun shined brighter and there was a spring in his step. He entered one of the cafe’s and ordered a Panini and cappuccino, a rather overpriced version of a sandwich and coffee.
“Ah there you are.” Came a pleasing voice behind him. He turned to see Izzy with his phone to his ear. Izzy held up a finger to him to tell him to be quite.
“...its okay I just happened to come across him....yeah Panini I think...I’ll remind him...see ya.” He flipped the phone close and sat down. Once again Axcelise was struck by the depth of his eyes as Izzy reminded him to take his tablets. Something for nerve damage, Axcelise swallowed them with a noisey gulp of hot coffee and gave Izzy his slightly lopsided smile. Izzy broke the contact and ordered a coffee for himself but was content to watch Axcelise eat.
“I wanted to show you this before I showed you dad.” Izzy thrust a magazine under Axcelises nose as he finished wiping crumbs from his mouth.
Confused Axcelise began to flip through it. He came to a page that stopped him, he looked up, confused into Izzy concerned face,
“This is not going to end well.” He said and calmly took a sip of cappuccino. He knew Axl well enough by now. It was pointless trying to stop him.