Jul 18, 2003 16:07
thinking back i'd say about two years ago i bought a suit. it was a very nice suit. it made me feel very special to own. it was expensive, i'd like to keep the price private. this suit was perfect for me. i loved it, but it scared me so much. after owning it for two years and making many payments on it, i've come to realize that my fear has lead me to never wear it once. it's been hung in my closet for these two years, not just thrown in there. i made a nice place apart from the other cloths where i know it will always be there for me. when i need to i can go look and see it right away. it's still in the plastic i put it in the day i purchased it. i'm so scared to take it out and where it. what if it was to get stained or ripped? that would be horrible. but i think what i'm doing now is far worse. but to be honest i don't know what to do.