Apr 23, 2010 06:54
On March 25th, 2010, my family and I went to see Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. We took my five-year-old niece and the five of us went to go see this awesome film. I was deeply impressed. They had the best protrayal of Tweedledee and Tweedledum I have ever seen, Johnny Depp was a great Hatter, the Bandersnatch was awesome, Helen Bohnam Carter rocked her role I couldn't have loved the Jabberwocky more and HOLY HELL, Alice was AWESOME. Talk about a feminist character.
The entire movies takes place 10 years after the original and that was a totally smart move. Remaking the original would've been fail. My favorite character was easily Alice, and my absolute favorite scene was the dragon-slaying. "Off with your head."
But different people have different opinions, right? Ehhh, not so much. After talking to many people (mostly women), the "best" character was chosen. OMG! JOHNNY DEPP WAS SO AWESOME. Oh, that's right, I forgot he was like a god or something. I have only talked to about 3 people who didn't think he was the best character. Most of the people I talked to were women, ages 16-25, roughly.
This is why I hate overly popular celebrities. And this is why producers will continue to use them like crazy. Can you imagine how many people went to go see this movie just because of Johnny Depp? He was a good hatter, yes. But he wasn't THAT amazing, he wasn't better than anyone else in the movie. I am so sick of hearing about how awesome he was everytime that movie is brought up. Can we move past the guys people think are hot and actually talk about the MOVIE?
It was a sequel to a movie made 59 years ago! It's about a girl revisiting an old world she visited when she was a child and having to save everyone from the evil queen, and we're all pretty sure that the "adventure" was a hallucination, brought on by a whack on the head when Alice stumbles down a hole chasing another hallucination, as a way to figure out how to deal with her current social predicaments and learns how to be brave, get her "muchness" back and tell everyone exactly how she feels. Not to mention the feminist portrayal of Alice*, turning down a suitor, despite that she'll "never do better"; deciding what SHE'S going to do about HER life and slaying the GODDAMN JABBERWOCKY IN FULL ARMOR. Take that, Disney Princesses! That's how a princess should act!
But NO! All anyone can see is "OMG! JOHNNY DEPP WAS SO AWESOME!!!111!!1!1!!!1"
(*However, the feminist message and portrayal were apparently not strong enough, as my five year old niece is adamant that the white queen regaining her crown was the best part of the whole movie. Despite having just seen a girl slay a dragon, the 10 seconds of the queen were the best and the queen was the best character because "she's the queen and just so pretty!")