This week was quite peachy. Sucks for you if you missed our Winter Concerts (with the exception of Tara...she was at college and therefore had a legitimate excuse. The rest of you? Not so much.)
Since I was at school literally nonstop from 7 am till at least 10 pm every day this past week, I was pretty exhausted by Friday. Monday, I stuck around after school to figure out some stuff for AP Bio, and then acquired an accomplice in the form of Alex to assist me in the process of sneaking into the auditorium to illicitly watch the dancing auditions for West Side Story. Then we had a rehearsal that evening for the Orchestra concert, which was the next day. It went swimmingly. The only minor hitch was that my mom enjoyed Andy's timpani solo more than her own daughter's piccolo solo in the Bacchanale from Samson and Delilah (THE coolest piece ever). Wednesday was another rehearsal day, followed by the concert on Tuesday, which I can say with the utmost certainty was NOT the Wind Ensemble's best performance. It wasn't abysmal, but there were definitely a few issues. Not the least of which was the fact that Danny Whitney actually BIT MY FINGER. Yes, MINE--and I'm the biggest germ-phobe on that planet. Danny Whitney, you are a sack of shit.
Anyway, as NHS Officers, we are required to organize and complete at least one service project per year. Well, here's mine. My recent experiences with many people in general (NOT SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS, so don't even try to play the fucking hypocrisy card on me) have prompted me to put together this little list, just in time for the holidays. Are you ready?
Rhea's List Of Things To Do In Order To Refrain From Being An Irritating Teenager
1. Stop pitying yourself. The world is not against you.
2. STOP TALKING SHIT. Okay, let's make something explicitly clear. TALKING SHIT DOES NOT MAKE YOU COOL. If you have a problem with somebody--if they annoy you or make you angry, or otherwise piss you off--is it really that difficult to address it to them, face-to-face? I suppose it is, if you're a pansy who lacks any form of interpersonal skills. However, that is not an excuse. If you cannot confront people to their faces, keep your fat mouth shut and stop disparaging them behind their backs. Thank you.
3. Fucking behave yourself. If someone doesn't like you, yet they still have the maturity to be civil to you in order to avert unnecessary conflict, please do them the courtesy of doing the same. Do not deliberately take underhanded potshots at someone, knowing that their sense of integrity prohibits them from retaliating.
4. Don't instigate. Talking about other people's business so you can initiate a conflict between people in which you are not even involved for the sole purpose of your own amusement is not cool.
5. Stop being a drama queen. For crying out loud. Learn to manage your emotions.
6. Refrain from being a slut. Even better, don't sleep around and then complain about the fact that everyone thinks you're a skank.
7. Stop taking advantage of people just to make yourself look/feel better. Gain some emotional stability. Please.
8. Do not unleash emotional diarrhea on every single person you've ever met. If you're IMing some girl that you knew in 9th grade Biology and haven't spoken a word to since, just so that you can embark on a 4-hour soliloquy on how rejected you feel now that the dude you have a crush on is ignoring you and how much you just want to drown your sorrows in gin, chances are that this random girl DOES NOT CARE. Stop wasting other people's time because you're selfish. When you need to talk, go find some REAL FRIENDS.
9. Don't be the kind of guy who only talks to girls because he wants to get some ass. Honestly. This is the scourge of immaturity.
10.Stop shit-talking people and then acting like they are your favorite human being in the universe. This is a corollary of #2. If you dislike somebody, say it to their face. Then you either resolve it or you decide that you hate each other--AND THEN YOU STOP BEING FRIENDS. Be civil, be polite, be courteous, but don't act like you love them to death and would throw yourself in front of a truck for them. This is FAKE. And fake people stink.
This has been a public service announcement. Consider it some friendly advice. If you choose to disregard this advice and/or play the aforementioned hypocrisy card by telling me that I'm doing the very thing that I was condemning by posting this list, please know in advance that I will simply not care and will quite possibly laugh in your face. Thank you.
Time to finish making mother dear's Christmas present. Tara's is in the process of completion, but I have no idea what to make my Dad. Tomorrow is the day that I HOPE to buy all my presents for all the buddy boys and girls, but I still have to think about what to give the father unit. Any ideas for what I should make for Dr. U?