(no subject)

May 25, 2005 17:58

Monday night I headed over to annabel's via maroonda hospital.

I sat on the couch with poor lil alex who has just got her wisdom teeth out and cooed sympathetically whilst planning a nice catch up with all the girls.

We then drove around with matt and nathaniel... 2 boys taken from the "once a boyfriend now a man slave" collection annabel has. We bought a ridiculous amount of candy!

Camping then turned into annabel and i getting ridiculously stoned on her back step cos we didn't have the poles for the tent and really we kinda didn't invite anyone.

Yesterday I hung out at annabel's work (red rooster) all day while her and nathaniel entertained me with food and crazy antics. 5 hours later and we were on our way to the city where we had coffee with mads cec and kailin. was lovely.

Cecie annabel and I went back to cecie's only to find that her electricity had been cut off so we had no choice but to sit in the dark lounge room and get stoned by candle light.

we were almost asleep on cecies bed when some young fellas requested our prescence at cherry. after much coaxing we decided to head out.

a couple of hours later of chatting, giggles and red cordial shots with gerald and richi. we decided we needed to head home to bed. the boys tried to convince me I wanted to go back to cecil street for bongs... and as tempting as that sounded especially as it was code for hooking up with richi... I had to head back to cecies cos i had uni today.

then drunken calls from the boy at 4am saying he wanted to come see me at cecies were sweet but again... bad timing kid.

but how nice it is to see the tables have turned... who's doing the DUI now kids?!

seeing him on friday anyway.

he's a spunk

he's sassy

i dig it.

hey annabel "i think i have a chance with this guy!"

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