the weekend was pratty rad
wonderful times friday... katie and i got soooo wasted then went to vice and danced lik we only had 2 hours left to live... AMAZING!! cute boys to dance with was lovely... rogers sisters were fucking awesome
we ended up at cherry and much is a blur cos i was drunken
work on saturday was horrid... but mads made it wonderful. what a gal... we took our 20min break together but it ended up being 50min... oops!
did door at dance motherfucker dance like old times with kate... can't see that picking up but it will be fucking awesome when bird blobs play... it's just a little too big. danced a lot but no-one else hit the floor at all...
wore and oversized cardigan then finished the night off with feta, freis, slug killing and matti.
oh matti... you precious fellow... love you.
what a great weekend... only now topped by this!!
Your Mexican Name Is...
Doña Katia
What's your Mexican Name?