Jun 02, 2008 16:17
i realised how seriously dangerous ben and jerry's ice cream are.
i left the house at 3:02am this morning to the nearest esso station (which is right smack in the center of mine and big stef's house) to get myself a pint of ben and jerry's ice cream, SMORES.
cause all i kept thinking was, MUST HAVE ICE CREAM.
call me crazy.
i promise, i won't do it again.
Joy unspeakable that won't go away
And just enough strength
To live for today
So I never have to worry
What tomorrow will bring
'Cause my faith is on solid rock
I am counting on God
i can't wait for saturday :D
oh why why why is it only monday ))))))))))):
people, be on time for sat man! the games for the next few thousands of years by yours truly is going to be as fab as ever :D
and when i go to heaven, I'LL STILL BE YOUR GAMEMASTER!
hohohoho (:
probably going to find a day this week or the next to head down to campus crusades.
where's there's like THOUSANDS OF BOOKS.
seriously, i think the price and quantity and whatever there is more than Tecman.
yeah, fix a day with me, anyone, ok :D
for now, anyone up for discovery center with stef, laypeng and me?
prolly this week or next too (:
i updated the blackcamera a little, so go check it out :D
yeah, uploaded all the videos from the task during games in radical conference (:
i've already finished half a pint of ice cream.