thinking, with my turkey sammich

Jun 09, 2006 01:38

oooooooooooohhhh man.....well I think ill start out on a good note. I just got done making a turkey 1:30 in the morning, I was hungry. OH YEH the good note, the sammich was soooooooooooooooo good!!!! for the shit...I just cant seem to stop fucking EVERYTHING up. Especially with her. I'm trying my best to leave her alone, I mean theres not a day that goes by where shes not on my mind, theres not a night that goes by where shes not in my dreams...I mean im rereading what I just wrote and it sounds REALLY corny...but I can't mean it anymore.

I've come to terms that sure...she wants to be alone...thats just wishing that time will fast forward to like two years from now or something...I know we can be good...just want that second chance

I keep thinking about last christmas, when I was stuck in Texas for a fucking the middle of bum-fuck nowhere...I couldnt of been more in was torture not being able to see her everynight...and now it just feels a million times worse

I never knew it would come to this point...a few months ago I was scared shitless about getting a job with Pilots-International....who knows, I could of been stuck out of the country for 6 months...or way longer than that....but praying for that job JUST so I wont have the chance to fuck anything up with her again...btw I fucked something up big a few hours ago...

I donno what to think anymore...I wanna get outta here, ill have to commercial certificate by the end of the month...FINALLY...ive stretched it out soo fucking long already so who knows, might be outta here in a few months

I guess I should end with another good note
I finally quit smoking, I had quit for a while but then started again just before valentines...but now im done, for good, and it feels GOOD...yipee
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