
Feb 24, 2010 05:42

my dad knows his best friend is about to be "let go", but because of policy, can't let him know. i watch it tearing my dad apart, being unable to tell him, and it kills me. how would i feel, would i be able to do the same in my dad's position? not a chance, i'm not strong enough. i'm not sure i want to be strong enough, if i know my best friend is getting canned, i would let him know asap. but i guess i don't have the responsibilities my dad does, the obligations.

ever wonder why "fuck the system!"? this is why. my dad would get fucked for letting his best friend know, and he needs the money (half thanks to an ex-wife, half thanks to the economy). so he's gotta let these people fuck over his friend, while he torments on the sidelines. it's bullshit. and this is the "liberal elite"? what the fuck is "the right" thinking? i guess they all have cushy jobs, don't have to face the world the middle to lower class have to face.

lately i've been stewing over how the conservatives have been pushing themselves as the common person, the everyday man, all the while their policies favour the upperclass, those who have money, the people who, even losing it all, would still remain on top.

and yet, here i am, in the lower tier of their middleclass family, feeling like maybe i'm just the black sheep. they can't ALL be heartless bastard assholes, so i must be the exception to their rule, right?

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