Jun 21, 2004 08:36
Its been a while since I had time to post, but I've been busy. On Friday I went to the Honors Colloquium up at UNL. I'd go into detail about how worthless that experience was, but HassHole has already gone to the trouble. Head over to his LJ if you haven't already.
I left the Colloquium early so I could catch my 2:45 flight to Pheonix, Arizona. That was rather uneventful. I despise flying of any form. It just seems like I'm so helpless on a plane. My fate is totally in the hands of the pilot...that just bothers me. Fears aside, we made the flight with minimal fuss. The one idiotic part of the whole ordeal was the landing. There was a lot of turbulence right before we touched down in Pheonix. As it went, the three hundred pound man next to me had two young boys with him. During the landing sequence, (in which everyone must remain seated--even fat asses and their kids)the man's eight year old decided to go take a piss. This action left his mammoth father standing in the aisle right next to me, his ass three inches from my face. It should be noted that the turbulence was still a problem. One false move and I could have been dead--lodged in the ass crack an anonymous fat man.
Once I managed to get over my near death experience, I disembarked in Arizona. Temperature: 108...107 with the wind. Oh yay. I am rather interested to see how I fare with this heat. Sweating off extra body fat is impossible since I have none, period. I am predicting that I will begin sweating off my bone mass instead. Medical oddities aside, I met up with my sister and her boyfriend and headed back to her place. She lives in a closed community apartment complex. In my opinion its a nice place. As nice a place as any in this damnedable heat.
Later that night we watched the cinematic masterpiece commonly known as Terminator 3. Arnold is just as kick ass as ever despite my preconceptions that the film would be a horrible sequel. The film managed to stay true to the originals and tie the whole series together. The producers even leave it open ended for another movie. Now Arnold just needs to step down from his Governor post and make another kick ass movie. His skills will be better put to use killing machines than playing politics.
The next day I woke up and went to church for the first time in 6 months. I can't say that I was impressed. Perhaps if the service would have ended on time I could have given it a chance. However, it went 20 minutes over so all credibility went to shit.
After church I rode home and started chugging my way through the first 3 chapters of this Java book I'm working with. I spent the whole day learning the ins and outs of Java GUI layout....blah. Hopefully the next topics will be interesting.
On a lighter and much dorkier note, I talked to Amy's boyfriend about learning Klingon and he told me he could help. As it turns out, he had a Power Klingon Cassette. For those of you who are not familiar with this incredible piece of nostalgia, the tape teaches you the intricacies of the speech and culture of Klingons.....beautiful. I went to WalMart, got a blank tape, and now I have my very own copy!!
*phew* I think that is enough of an update to make up for my laziness. I'll update more as the chance arises and something worth writing about comes up.
Until then, I'm out.