Still playing catch-up...
Title: Unfriendly Competition
Fandom: Kin'iro no Corda 2f Encore
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Owned by Kure Yuki, KoeiTecmo, and Ruby Party.
Notes: For Etou Kiriya's birthday. I kept hearing "Urban Method" in my head while writing this, so...
Unfriendly Competition
Etou Kiriya struggled between feelings of triumph, since he had foreseen his much older cousin's feelings well in advance, and anger, since the object of said cousin's affections was the same young woman that Etou himself fancied. He considered taking Akihiko aside and laying into him for crushing on someone more than a decade younger, and who was one of the students attending his school besides, but the older man was better with words and would probably just make Etou's concerns seem silly. In the end he decided the best method of attack was to win Kahoko over faster, and that way no one else would be able to sneak into her heart.
Title: Together, Always
Fandom: Kin'iro no Corda 3
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Owned by Kure Yuki, KoeiTecmo, and Ruby Party.
Notes: For Kisaragi Kyouya's birthday.
Together, Always
They had been together since they were babies. He'd held her hand every day as they crossed the street on the way to elementary school, been the one to help her up the first time she fell off her bike when the training wheels were gone, and encouraged her not to give up when the other little girls made fun of her for playing the violin instead of with dolls. Even though he wouldn't admit it, Kyouya had willingly been there for Kanade every step of the way, and the small box burning a hole in his pocket was the proof that he intended to do just that for the rest of their lives.