Title: Habits
Fandom: Kin'iro no Corda 2
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Owned by Kure Yuki, KoeiTecmo, and Ruby Party.
Notes: For Kanazawa's birthday. Spoilers for the end of Corda2, or maybe it was Encore. The details are fuzzy, and I can't look it up right now.
Kanazawa missed smoking. It had been hard to quit, and some days the itch to pick up a pack of cigarettes just about drove him crazy. It wasn't just the nicotine, it was the physical habit of smoking. Having something to do with his hands, a reason to pause during a conversation, a chance to think. But he'd given it up the same time he'd made the choice to take up the offer he'd been given to treat his throat. He knew it was for his own good, especially if he hoped to sing again.
He didn't think he'd miss teaching as much as he did, when he left on his year-long break. Some of the students sent letters from time to time. Amou sent copies of the school paper along with some extra snapshots so he could keep up with things at school. And Hino...
Kanazawa looked over at the coffee table, the day's mail tossed onto it haphazardly. Another package had arrived that day from Hino. Somehow she always knew just what would make him feel better and chase away the bit of homesickness that had crept in. This time the padded envelope contained something small, thin, and square. A CD, he assumed, though he could only guess at its contents while it remained unopened. Maybe he was a fool for wanting to draw out these moments, when it almost felt like she was in the room, watching and waiting eagerly to see how he would react to her gift. That was actually when he itched for a cigarette the most, so he could make the anticipation last longer, make the eventual unwrapping of the package more sweet than bitter.
"Might as well get started," he told himself, flopping down on the couch and reaching for the bubble mailer. He struggled with the tab, then eventually got the envelope to open and reveal its contents. The CD case had no booklet and the disc was unmarked. A small card in an envelope fell out after it, his name written neatly on the front, but he set it aside for later. Curiosity got the better of him, and he put the disc into his nearby open laptop. The player opened to reveal a couple dozen tracks, each title familiar to him from years of teaching music. He pressed play and leaned back with his eyes closed. The familiar sound of Hino's violin wound around and through him as he took a deep breath, no longer craving a smoke but wishing instead for something he missed more.