Hello again, Scrawlers;
First, I want to apologize for the polls not working yesterday; I haven't the faintest idea what's going with there - I double-checked the coding, and everything looks okay - but I want to thank everyone who posted or messaged me with their feedback regardless.
I haven't heard back from absolutely everyone yet, but I've received enough votes to feel that we have a comfortable majority ~ and on that note,
scrawlology is now officially open to NaNo'ing!
As I mentioned in yesterday's post, there's no established guidelines for how this is going to work. Those users participating in NaNoWriMo may feel free to post here anything they would like to share or would appreciate feedback on, whether that be character profiles, writing excerpts, research-related questions, plot snags they'd like advice on dealing with, etc. We're all writers here, so use us! I also know some of you, myself included, have separate LiveJournal communities dedicated to NaNo projects. Feel free to x-post or include links to posts in other locations (just make sure none of the linked entries are locked.) I'm also going to say that links to non LJ posts (ie, Tumblr) are okay, too, though not preferable; be careful with any external service which requires log-in information. Best case scenario is to just copy and paste your entry here, too, though I'm not making that a hard and fast rule, since I know people like to have all their comments in one place.
The only officially prescribed rules are the ones which already comprise the community: be polite, be friendly, take all criticisms with a grain of salt, and don't dish out anything you couldn't take yourself.
And of course, those of you not participating in NaNo are still absolutely free to post anything you might be working on and would like help with. I'm proclaiming November our official Nuts and Bolts month; help each other out with the mechanics of writing! This doesn't pertain only to NaNo. So again, those of you none NaNo'ing this month, feel free to contribute something else if you'd like to.
(And I'm saying 'November,' but feel free to fire at will from now onward. These last two days of October are honorary November days, so far as I'm concerned.)
I've noticed that some of you who didn't know each other before have already started to talk to one another about NaNo projects, and that makes me overwhelmingly happy; that's the entire point of a community like this, so please, don't be shy about posting and/or commenting! I know each and every one of you personally, and you're all friendly, talented, and generally awesome people. This is a stress-free, pressure-free environment. We're here to help! Please, take advantage of the support group. That's why it's here!
As far as the proposed Holiday Exchange goes, we appear to be split 50/50 in votes. So if you haven't commented on your preference to that yet, please do! I'll bring it up again once we make it through November and see how everyone's feeling at that point.
In the meantime, feel free to start posting your November projects! If you have any questions or concerns, drop me a line, either in the comments here or through PM.
Good luck, everyone!