Hello again, Scrawlers! Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the poll questions yesterday. It seems you all have just been busy, which is entirely understandable; I myself have written next to nothing in the past two weeks, so I appreciate how that goes.
Since no one seemed especially dissatisfied with the community format thus far, I have here a brand new prompt for Week 6. However, many of you also expressed an interest in instituting some sort of challenge complete with stricter, more specified perimeters. My goal is to cook something up along that vein for next week, but in the meantime I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. What sort of challenge would you like in particular? Off the top of my head, I was just thinking of providing a theme and a minimum-maximum word count specification, but is that enough? Were you hoping for something more specific than that? I'm assuming most of you saw my Tic-Tac-Bingo writing game idea over at
russettedbones; is that sort of thing of interest to anyone, or is that too extreme? Let me know what you're looking for, and we'll figure out something new and interesting for next week.
I still plan on providing our usual prompts on a regular basis for those of you who prefer looser inspiration, however, and to that end here's a new prompt for this week:
If anyone has anything else they'd like to contribute for a future prompt, please continue posting your submissions
Again, let me know what sort of challenges you're looking for, and happy writing! I hope this coming week is better and less stressful for everyone in general. ♥