Monday's rotation: Terry Anderson and the Olympic Ass-Kickin' Team, Glasvegas, Write Your Adventures Down: A Tribute to the Go-Betweens, the Beat Crusaders.
And then there's this:
But Here's the Funny Part (William Rivers Pitt, TruthOut): "Memo to the Far Right: when you've lost the support of people like O'Reilly, Coulter and Steele, you have to step back and wonder just how far from the pack you've strayed."
Health Care Tyranny (David Sirota, Creators Syndicate): "Here we have a major congressional push to fix a health care system that leaves one-sixth of the country without coverage. Here we have 535 House and Senate delegates elected to give all 300 million of us a voice in the solution. And here we have just 13 of those delegates holding the initiative hostage."