Nov 01, 2007 00:30
Tonight was crazy fun times!
I can't BELIEVE the amount of photos we had taken, like seriously 200x more than at Fanexpo, and it's not like people knew what the hell we were dressed as. I went in expecting to be pretty much ignored, and then recieved alot of attention for a costume that was thrown together out of other costume pieces.
Just goes to prove that some ass and boobs makes everything AWWW RIIIIGHT.
Well, more like sides of hips and tops of shoulders (and petticoats for everyone else in the group aside from me). The two costumes I raped together were Arslan and Calintz, rofl.
Kels and Venus came over to the apartment and we ran around in a frenzy. Ceri and I had been feeling despondent over working our asses off all day on GURU-GURU-TANS and not having them ready for Halloween, so we weren't even planning on going out to do much until Venus and Kells showed up and motivated us. They WILL be ready for Youmacon though, so sweatshopping all day DID have its good points.
We had dinner at Zeldas, which was yummy, and met Zelda her/himself twice. Saw a couple hot dragqueens, including a really muscular asian guy in a bunny-girl outfit he actually pulled off.
Weather went to crap and then we headed home, to try and avoid being a mess of soaked fabric and feathers.
It was great seeing/talking to people for even a little bit. Lindsey you looked freaking hot, and thanks for taking the picture of Skeletor for me Solartempest Kevin :3
Tomorrow is back to sweatshopping, but hopefully it will be worth it!