Thank you, yahoo homepage, for distracting me yet again.
I think
this kid is much better than Susan Boyle. I mean, I liked Susan Boyle, especially because of her lady-under-the-stairs look, but I thought Paul Potts was much better. Or maybe I just couldn't hear her so well because the audience was so noisy. And apparently they've also discovered an
amazing fake!ballerina singer girl. I thought her whole 'I'm going to be dancing' thing was really off, considering how she was obviously there to sing.
In other words, go Shaheen, I hope you win! I will be sad if ever the day comes when he loses his voice (like the kid in The House of the Scorpion, who couldn't sing like an angel anymore once he hit puberty. The idea of that makes me so sad). Also, you know I like to watch dancing children. Apparently I also like to watch them sing. *u*
Also, I'm not actually supposed to be able to take that picture, but somehow my Firefox widgets let me. It is copyright 2006, YEARS AFTER Antiques Jewelry Bakelite Deco Dolls, and I have no intention of claiming it as mine (why would I? *shudders*)
If you would like to, I don't know, frighten yourself further,
here's the website.
I was thinking about how the crazy dude in the latest chapter of Kuroshitsuji mentioned 'bisque dolls,' so I thought "What is a bisque doll like, is it like the dolls in my dressing room?" and I Googled it, and HOLY HELL that is one of the scariest things I have ever seen. x_x Of course I then attempted to copy it into my planner, so that I can look at it whenever I feel the need to be scared to death. Fortunately (?) it does not have the same scary effect rendered in pens.
I warned you. 8D