May 14, 2004 01:02
I love when I can wake up in the morning. sun is shinning, and i know it's gonna be a good day and it was. went to lunch with momma dukes, had a conversation about the future very interesting if i do say so my self. then worked 3-10 which wasn't so bad. I was real excited when dana stopped by yesterday :) and her mom was real excited she got her 3rd degree at uconn that night with this thesis thats amazing real inspiring too makes me think "HEY IT COULD HAPPEN". kinda wants me to set goals and stop being such a screw up. also today dizzy and cwisstine (aka daniela and christine) visted me on a seach for water guns there gonna have a nasty assasins team. werd up, i haven't seen either of then in DUMB long. so with dana and daniela and christine visiting i feel real loved at work. plus im getting alot done too. Also I talked to sheryl to night i haven't talked to her in forevvvvvvvver lol like the sandlot lol. Nikki would enjoy that :( But i was happy i got to talk to sheryl she made me smile thanks a bunch
I drive a 350 with an extended bed... i listen to country too ~ sheryl (lol good stuff)