Oh hay there, LJ! :D
It's been awhile. Like, literally. Like, I'm surprised that my account is still active or that I even remember the password. I have no excuse for abandoning blogging entirely except for UTTER LAZINESS and the fact that I have about 98273492362 other microblogging accounts that I update almost regularly. When you scatter your thoughts over various media on daily basis, it's really not surprising if you have no energy or things left to say for actual blogging. Suddenly, you find it hard to gather enough brain-spew in more than 140 characters.
But I'm here now, trying to jump-start my long-wished ~desire to blog again, especially since I have free time for the next three weeks. That's right. Three weeks of not having to get up in time (or, relatively in time, i.e. preferably before lunch) for work, driving through two hour of ridiculous Jakarta traffic, pretending to be more interested in my job than wading through pages and pages of fandom-related comms (or fanfics, or games, or whatever it is I'm in the mood for), and doing epic overtime for two weeks straight. No more of that shit until my new job starts in July. So, yes, in the words of people much more articulate than I am, "Wheeeeeeee~~!"
Let's start with a list! (because making a list in your blog post totally counts as blogging, okay)
New things in my life :
I'm quitting the job that I've been holding for more than 5 years. It's the first full-time job that actually goes along with my uni degree, too. Five years, man. That's five years of daily routines that I never thought I could go through for more than a month. Hell, when I first started, I thought I wouldn't last three days. But I did. For five years. During that time, I found a workplace that I could call my second home. I made new friends and lost some. I found that working with your long-time RL friends may not actually be a good idea, although some days it felt like it was. I found that if writing won't be able to feed me (although, how would it if you never even start doing it seriously, self?), or if I can't find anything else to do with my life, I can still make a living in this line of work. Some days, I even think I enjoy it. Well, I can definitely live without the crazy daily, sometimes even hourly, deadlines, but I do love working in creative.
I got a new job. I'll still be doing the same creative work like I did in my old job, but I'll be working for a different industry. It's the gaming industry. I'm totally excited about it because OMG GAMES! This is like one of the best industries out there for me. It suits me. But I'm also scared shitless because I have no professional experience whatsoever in gaming and I always go all Debbie Downer on myself because that's just how I shittily roll, apparently. So, yeah, totally a mixed feelings situation here. But I'm mostly excited because, I can't stress this enough, OMG GAMES! and the fact that I'll be working with a LOT of my RL friends. Some of them are old uni friends, and some of them are the very people I hang out with IRL for the past few years. Apparently, I never learn my lessons about working with RL friends, lol.
I'm between jobs right now, just trying to make the best of my precious, precious free time. Three weeks OMG WHUT! My head is full of things I need to do and even more things I want to do. I'll probably make another post to list down (yes, moar lists!) these things so I can check the ones I actually get done, like the perfect, little, crazy OCD-for-lists person that I am. One of the items I will definitely put on that list is a vacay to the Thousand Islands in two weeks. The Thousand Islands are these huge clumps of tiny islands off the northern Jakarta coast, where all sorts of beachy fun things are to be had, like swimming (you totally didn't see that coming, did you?), sunbathing, snorkeling, and drinking coconut juice right out of its, um, I want to say shells? It's going to be great. I'll probably scratch sunbathing off my to-do list tho, mostly because I've been living in the tropics for my entire life so I'm not completely impressed with sweating on scorching sands while the sun is baking me alive. And, also, HELLO, SKIN CANCER. Yeah, no. I've got enough problems as it is without adding RISK OF DEATH and CONSTANT PAIN IN YOUR SKIN FOR 24/7 to my life. I'll be sweating in the shades, thanks.
I have a laptop now and just bought a pair of solidly dope headphones. I'm thinking to get a cheap USB modem too, so I can just go anywhere I want (preferably to places that have power sockets) and do my reading/writing/internet-trolling anytime. FREEDOM. LIBERATION. It'll be a perfect, well-earned revenge against the five years of corporate pains. #proletarianproblems
In the past five years, I've gone through two little internet crushes, one little RL crush, and four major RL crushes. They were simply crushes, in that I didn't do much to act on them, if at all. The most interesting thing about these crushes, including one of the majors, is that some of them are women. Huh, that's new, self. Also, way to complicate your almost non-existing love life. But there you go.
Also, also, in the past five years, I've gone through four new major fandoms (TsuchiNaga, Merlin BBC, Adam Lambert RPS, McDanno), and an old, recurring one (Snarry! Last year, I actually won my second NaNoWriMo challenge since 1992 with a Snarry fic lol). I'm still active in two of them, the newest being McDanno (Hawaii Five-0 slash, baby). And by active, I mean ~actively following and commenting on LJ comms and tumblrs, and tweetspam all the fangirly feels whenever such ~desire arises, which, in my case, is all the time, 24/7. I limit my Adam-related keyboard-smashes to @scratchbook, and spasm about other fandoms/interests on @polluxa. I basically camp out at these two Twitter accounts every day, in case anyone needs to poke me :)
So yeah, I guess that's all. Well, not ~literally all because a lot of shit happened even to a no-life asshole like me. But these are the stuff that probably won't bore anyone as much as the rest. I'll try to post again tomorrow, probably about that epic holiday to-do list thing I talked about. As for now, I have some promisingly hot McDanno fics to squee at :3