Dec 03, 2012 21:26
Hey if your readin this phone me or text or email or something please? i heard what happened last Fri off Vic an i just been round to yours an let myself in (sorry but I was worried) an I seen the mess in tehre an now im more worried cos i keep thinkin of when that bloke wouldnt stop harassin you so PLEASE if you read this will you turn your phone on or at least text someone and let usknow your OK? Everyones worried an we just want you to come home. An i know its not my fault but i feel kind of a bit to blame cos I should of noticed it was affectin you but we were havin a laugh. But you got to let everyone know your OK, even if you just want a bit of time to get your head togethter on your own an that, just let us know your OK xx
[EDIT] ok your mate Richmonds just had a go at me an if you dont get in touch tonight hes gonna call the police for missin persons. PLEASE get in touch with someone, if your still mad at me get in touch with Vic or Richmond or ANYONE ok? I know you aint at Tias, im ringin round everyone else. Dont make me ring your mum xx
its suposed to be easier than this