back now tryin to catch up with everyones journals you lot write loads.
finished up work Friday an come home with Dan cos hed been at the bar with Sash so taht was cool even though i never got to talk to them much cos its always so heavin.
cut cos its personal shit )
Finished my book.
can iread it then? you can borrow my Donna summer if you like ;-)
If you like? I might pass on Donna. Play it for me as a surprise (I guarantee it will surprise me whenever you do it)
stealth Summer? ;-)
I read that second sentence as something quite different.
youd have to be pretty fuckin stealthy to stealth bum someone hahahaha!
Sash said I should start bribing him with treats. What do you think? Im dead sick of getting bailed up in the lav.
I have faith in your abilities.
I dunno, you start bribin him he'll keep on pushin you yeah. you gotta show him whose boss, make him respect you. see this is the lesson you failed at with me ;-p JOKIN. Just when he starts pissin you off just ignore him an show him you aint bothered. if you act like you aint scared of him then he'll stop tryin to bully you.
or yknow you could just stay like you are cos I think its well cute ;-)
HAHA ijust read that again an thought awww thinkin you were talkin about my tunes or summat then i read context you rotten bastard! piss off it aint that small :-p
I'm not scared of him, jesus. He's not frightening so much as loud.
Hahahaha. As the idiot elders of the internet would say, Pwned.
you are SO scared of him. anywya... i reckon your sort of right we need to like train him a bit more. he doesnt play up for me or claire but he does wreck stuff a bit more than he should an yeah. we should teach him to stop rippin up stuff he aint aloud.
i'll come an pwn YOU in a minute then youll see how stealth it is!
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