Jan 26, 2010 04:02

Sometimes - no, oftentimes, Life decides to throw you a curve ball. In my case, I was thinking of writing a "Dear Jesus" letter when I decided that He wasn't the person who deserved my ranting.

And why should I rant? So what if this so-called "amazing" company's HR wasted half my day yesterday? There we were, the three of several who had gone to their nearly inaccessible office, the most pitiful of us was the guy who had arrived at 1pm (I arrived at about 3:30pm - still half an hour early for my scheduled appointment) and was told to wait and wait and wait - for nothing. We had waited until about 8pm and the entire HR department, save for one person, had walked right past us repeatedly and left for the day. Had I not taken the initiative of calling the guard's attention and getting answers, we would have waited until God knows when. NONE OF US GOT INTERVIEWED or HAD BEEN SPOKEN TO AT ALL until that point. The person completely "forgot" about us. But how is that possible when she waltzed right past us several times. We were clearly waiting for her!

The guy who had come at 1pm missed the first half of his shift and had only eaten a sandwich at 2am yesterday. The girl who had arrived at 4pm only had less than an hour before her shift started (her office was a good hour away) and had been awake since 5am because she lives in a very far place. And for what? Nothing. The guy nearly went amok and he said so himself.

I waited over 4 hours for absolutely nothing at all. Jeez Louise, how unprofessional! I think I have every right to be pissed off, especially since I ended up with a dehydration and hunger-induced migraine. I'm still calm, though, I feel worse for the two kids who were sitting with me.

/shakes head in disgust and disbelief

hr horrors

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