[Backdated to July 27th, evening] [Locked to Lina]

Jul 29, 2009 23:34

Hey, Lina... things have slowed down considerably. I've got some time for you, if you wanted to talk to me now.

Oh, and... um... I've kinda gotta ask YOU a couple questions too...

investigation report, kat offers employment, m.a.g.i., she worries about her students

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enemyallwholive July 30 2009, 07:09:45 UTC

Long story short?

Demonic swordsman with rather high regenerating abilities. At least as skilled as Gourry is with a blade, and is SO not showing all his cards yet.


Probably gonna try and kill me the next time I see him.



scrapperzen July 30 2009, 07:12:25 UTC
... Boy. That kinda makes my question pale in comparison. What can I do to help?

And... Um...

An acquaintance of yours has applied for a job as an instructor with M.A.G.I.

I kinda need to feel him out before I say anything, though.

Especially since you've told me a bit about him already. Mr. Gaav?


1/3 enemyallwholive July 30 2009, 07:24:56 UTC
Oh, it's pretty simple.

I just need to figure out how to avoid my imminent demise-



2/3 enemyallwholive July 30 2009, 07:25:09 UTC



3/3 enemyallwholive July 30 2009, 07:25:32 UTC
There's something wrong with your D-Comm, Kat.

It says you wrote "Gaav."


Re: 3/3 scrapperzen July 30 2009, 07:30:56 UTC
Yep. That's the one. Demon Dragon King Gaav.

I actually interviewed him earlier today... He's... well, he didn't turn me off immediately. I need to know everything about him that I can.

'Cause let's face it, until you or any of the other combat mages in this world decide to settle down into a dedicated teaching role? I'm disturbingly lacking anyone who can reliably teach my students offensive spells.

Make no mistake, I don't TRUST him, but I don't think I want to reject him either. It's... an interesting conundrum.

I'll see what I can do to come up with something for that swordsman of yours, though... Does he have a name? (If you've got a true name, even better!)


Re: 3/3 enemyallwholive July 30 2009, 07:35:38 UTC
Okay, first off.

Does the title Demon Dragon King not seem like something of a tip off?


Pft. Yeah, teaching. Sorry, not my thing.

...though, yeah, that Nanoha woman and her people... from what I've heard passing through Royal Base, she teaches, but... yeah. They're kinda all knee deep in DATS stuff, aren't they?


As for the swordsman? Vergil. His partner's a Dracmon. Evolves into Sangloupmon and Matadormon. Buddies with Witchmon, from Witchenly. I have a few thoughts, but I need to chew on them a bit more when it comes to him, so I figured I'd poke others' brains in the meantime.


Re: 3/3 scrapperzen July 30 2009, 07:41:37 UTC
You'd be surprised... one of the Vindicators is a guy named Infernal. Probably one of the most powerful heroes in my world.

And he's a demon who pretty much gets his power by beating and eating other demons. I've studied demonic runes under him. He's...

Well... anyway. That's why I need to know more about Gaav. Background is what I'm looking for. It's easy to make assumptions, but I'd rather not lose out on potential just because of racism. ... That came out harsher than I meant. ): If he's genuine, I'd like to give him a chance, but I can't ferret out genuine if I don't know the details...

You say that this Vergil's a friend of Witchmon's? ... Crud. That really cocks things up. It's hard enough when you're dealing with Wizardmon and Sorcermon... And if he's as good as your partner...


enemyallwholive August 3 2009, 05:54:51 UTC

You wanna know about Gaav?




So. I know a spell.

Pretty much? The most powerful black magic spell known to mankind in my world. It draws upon the god that created our world, and three others, the "Lord of Nightmares."

This spell - the Giga Slave - can pretty well destroy anything I would throw at it. But, well, there's a SLIGHT catch ( ... )


[Locked to Lina] scrapperzen August 3 2009, 06:05:02 UTC


You don't do things small, do you?

Okay, that gives me a little more to go on now. ... And gives me a lot more questions. ... Man, I don't know how Azuria DOES this back home...

So tell me, Lina... supposing I do give him a shot, and this is a genuine hypothetical by the way. Are you going to have a problem coming by M.A.G.I. because of it? I'm... trying to weigh everything here, and I'm getting the feeling I'm missing some crucial information. Man, I'm gonna need to have another long talk with him...

.... Um, supposing I do THAT... would you be willing to sit in on the interview? I'd love to have someone with a bit more hands on experience... Plus, y'know, someone who isn't as blindly optimistic as I am.

Shoot, here I go monopolizing the conversation...

Okay, back to Vergil now. What have you observed about him? Just... power-wise? What's he like to do? What's he got up his sleeves? Demons always have tricks... ALWAYS...


Re: [Locked to Lina] enemyallwholive August 3 2009, 06:54:56 UTC
But wait!

There's more.

Gaav here seems intent on pretty much stalking me and TESTING me. Because, basically? He thinks I'm a prime target for the Demon Kings trying to seal me.

Which, you know, is AWFULLY insulting.

...but, eh. That's that.


Really, though... Gaav's a tough nut to crack. Besides the whole, "trying to kill me" thing, I'm not quite sure WHAT to think of him, whether good or bad. I've certainly worked with WORSE than him...

I've worked with XELLOS.


If anything, him being someplace I could keep tabs on him is even better ( ... )


Re: [Locked to Lina] scrapperzen August 3 2009, 07:10:18 UTC
Insulting, maybe, but given who the Kings have been intent upon sealing thus far? It doesn't strike me as a completely unwarranted worry. Shoot, HOW am I supposed to tease a girl about having a world-ending spell without sounding completely callous?But yeah... I'll be scheduling another interview with him sometime next week in that case. I'll let you know when. I just hope he's not the impatient sort ( ... )


Re: [Locked to Lina] enemyallwholive August 4 2009, 03:45:39 UTC
...you don't.

Besides what I've told you? We don't talk about the Giga Slave, or anything related to it. At all. Period. End of story.


But, yeah. Do that, and I'll be there.


That weapon, though... listen. Someone was once able to use that thing to carve a path through a group of about four or five of me and my friends. If someone knows what they are DOING, it's one of the most dangerous weapons that can be out there. Vergil knows what he's doing. He BLOCKED my Dragon Slave.

And could have thrown it back at me, if he so chose. It can absorb and amplify magic, also, you see.

I only have one spell that can overwhelm the Sword of Light, besides the Giga Slave... and I can't touch IT here, either.

But as for what Vergil's been DOING...

Like I said. He seems to be buddies with Witchmon. Witchmon is into investigating and researching ancient artifacts. Vergy seems to be into that kind of thing, or at least the area of information, at any rate, in one way or another.


Re: [Locked to Lina] scrapperzen August 4 2009, 04:06:46 UTC


Y'know, you're really not making this easy. :) I haven't had a challenge like this since... ... well, a really long time. Heh...

I get how dangerous the weapon is, Lina. I really do. But if you concentrate on the Sword of Light, he's just gonna kill you with a dagger between two ribs. You can't blame the weapon for what the people that wield it do, and you can't worry about what might happen when there's more pressing concerns. And besides THAT... if he blocked your Dragon Slave and didn't throw it back at you when he could have? That should tell you something else.

What I'm saying is if Vergil can kill you in any number of ways, so long as you focus on the sword of light he'll have a clean shot at you with half a dozen other openings at least. It's worth worrying about, but don't miss the forest for one particularly impressive tree.


Re: [Locked to Lina] enemyallwholive August 4 2009, 05:45:19 UTC
The Sword of Light's not my MAIN focus here, it's just a NEW one. I know all the ways to nullify it, and everything it can do. If I'm focusing on anything, it's only because it's the only advantage I really HAVE right now.

A demon from an unknown world whom I can bet I haven't even scratched the surface of? That's a pretty tall order.


Re: [Locked to Lina] scrapperzen August 4 2009, 05:54:58 UTC
I admit that I may well be misreading the situation, BUT...

Isn't that the nature of demons? Even demons from worlds you DO know make it a habit of being unpredictable. I'd ask what you were hoping for when you wanted to ask me, but we both know that right now? The best thing I can offer is a sounding board and anecdotes from my world, as well as whatever limited knowledge I may be able to come up with...

You've both survived a fight with him, right? Those are huge boosts in your favor, and they've given you valuable insight. Most people would be dead in one.

So why don't we focus on what we know? He seems to prefer physical confrontations, otherwise he wouldn't wield a sword when he can apparently make them and hurl them at will. That right there's a start.

Add to that that he's mastered this Sword of Light, and you now know that he's no slouch when it comes to magic and magical items. Doesn't that alone give you some ideas? You've got more than brawn and magic at your disposal, here...


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