just saying hi!

Oct 04, 2008 17:38

Hi all!

Not much going on here...the weather is wonderful in South LA and we've just been having some busy, but great weekends.

Everything is getting all back to normal after the storms. We're still fighting with our insurance because they don't want to give us the whole amount for a new roof. They said the quotes are too high. We've gotten 5 quotes all within 5 thousand dollars of each other. Finally, we said that they can send a roofer out do the work at their price. They said ok. We're still waiting with a big beautiful blue tarp over over house.

For the big news in our life....First my mom broke her ankle. Most of you know that she lives next door to me so I've been pretty busy taking care of my household and hers. My brothers are on my shit list because they are so lazy and do nothing to help. NOTHING. My dad tries, but let's just say, bless his heart. :)

THEN, most of you know that connor broke his left elbow and had to have surgery over the summer. His recovery is going very well. He's been in OT and is just about complete. The last Wednesday in Sept, he was finally released from the doctor to start playing sports again. The next day,Thursday, we went to his first soccer game where he could play (he's been attending every game and practice, just couldn't play). He was in the game literally 5 minutes when a kid tripped him and HE BROKE HIS RIGHT WRIST! Friday he had to have surgery to put it back in place and now has a cast from his knuckles to over his elbow on his right hand! Poor conn!

His injury has been keeping us very busy because he can't do anything for himself now because his right hand is useless. We had to have special accomadations put into place at school so people can write for him. Homework takes forever now because I have to write everything for him. Watching him eat with his left hand is hiliarious!  We still have to take him to soccer and fall baseball because his teams felt so bad for him that they made him *assisstant coach*. Gee thanks! lol! So, now that he has two jacked up arms, he's taken to kicking. Lance is making him a football field goal upright outside and he kicks the football all day long! LOL! I hope I don't see a broken leg in my future!

Hope all is well with y'all! I think of you everyday!