I had a conversation about Religion with Connie today. It was interesting, she believes in something that she doesnt fully know. And i asked her how she can believe in something that she never experianced, never was taught in full knowledge. And by that i mean, she wasnt a willing learner, she was one of the people who's parents took her to
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I want to ask you a question. If you were brought up to form your own beliefs throughout life, and it came time, lets say around the age of 20, when you could for once fully understand the concepts of the religion, that then you could choose. Would you choose the same religion as you have choosed now? And Truly answer that. Because after looking deep within yourself i think you'll find that you would not agree.
Do you remember those who died for you? Do you know the names of those who were persecuted in the times of the Romans? Those who believed in Christ the savior, who were brutally murdered? I dont think you do. I think you could name me all of the Martyrs that died for the religion. But i dont think you could name me one common person who died for those beliefs.
[quote]faith is motivation. A strong, loving, powerful emotion deep inside your heart that seeps through your soul for all eternity. [/quote]
Faith is not motivation. Lets check dictionary definations..... Survey Says. Whoops Sorry, Game Over. They are not the same things. You personally may equate the concepts to mean the same thing, but that is a very different wourld we are living in then.
I agree with the second part of that sentence.
I wish you the best of luck in finding something, anything, that can ease your soul and let you feel the most powerful and rewarding gift of life. [/quote]
If what you believe is true, there is no luck. Luck isnt a concept that you can agree with, it would be better known as God's Will. I am living the best life i can at the moment, and through questioning, and questioning, and experiances that i live, i shall come to that which i deserve.
Trevor A. Martin
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