Apr 19, 2004 20:38
uhhh this is a stupid update.
went to my sisters sweet sixteen yesterday.. jus sat with my hermit aunt and listened to her while she complained about everything from the temperature in the place to the way kids were dancing. saw kids having a good time, playing the mating games, the place stank of their bodies in motion, again i thought maybe i should have tried to have more fun in highschool, but oh well, i make bad decisions.
finally i finished the material for the split with foutredieu... it was difficult for some reason.. bits and pieces of a slow going process. includes my favorite track that i have done so far.. "disaster in my memory" also the half punk styled noise half unsettling ambience "you would reach for something from the devil?" - a phrase which is the only thing i remember from a dream several months ago. feels good not to have to worry about deadlines now that i finished all noise i agreed to do, creating pretty much all day everyday has grown tiring. there is still a c-20 in the works for monorail trespassing, label of the great pedestrian deposit, but no date has been discussed and i will aim to have it out mid summer maybe, no pressure. the source material i have recorded is quite rad, i think it will be a cool release, after that im done for awhile.
maybe i should go to suffolk to take required classes this fall, and then transfer somewhere for whatever my false hope giving waste of time major would be. i have to do something by the end of summer or i really am homeless.. thats the deadline and i agree with it, no reason to let me stay here not doing anything ever, besides spending time on a form of recorded sound which gets me nowhere. i really really really dont want to go to college, never have. maybe there is no choice unless i get a job but the amount of time that takes from me compared to the amount of time school would take from me leads me to think that school might be the only option. damn it. i dont know. i wouldnt actually be homeless, id go live in one of the rooms with a locking door / window / electricity in the abandoned mental hospital, but such a bold decision would show that my sanity is questionable.