Apr 29, 2005 21:03
I had my bloodwork today, boy was that interesting! I have NEVER had problems having my blood drawn EVER, I have very good veins. Well, I get in there and sit down, and they lady says "this has not been my day, I haven't been able to get blood out of anyone, just so you know" So here I am thinking GREAT!! Sure enough, she pokes...nothing...moves it around in the vein for about two minutes and still nothing, then she tries another vein, nothing again. By this time my arm is very numb and I am getting dizzy(and I drove myself there) So she says, "I have tried twice so I am going to let someone else try" So this guy comes in(he has done it before)and does the other arm, thank goodness, and gets it with no problem, done in less than a minute! Now, I think this lady needs to go back to school, I know I shouldn't say that, maybe she was just having a bad day, but come on!
My shot wasn't a good expierence tonight either! LOL right as the medicine was going in my behind, my butt decided to have a muscle spasm, boy did that hurt!! Other than that, I had a great day!! :D And I always remind myself things can always be worse! We went grocery shopping and out to dinner tonight, now I am sitting here yawning and ready for bed. Bob decided to work Saturdays again, which is nice, but I really like us to be able to go out to breakfast and have an early start to our day, oh well. This journal is like my vent, and being pregnant, it seems I do alot of that latley! ;) Goodnight everyone! Sweet dreams!