May 7, 2008 :: Y'all just go to church together, and get an ice cream cone.

May 07, 2008 12:31

* Cause All You See is Where Else You Could Be by cashewdani (Jim/Karen, Karen/Mark)

*Danger: High Voltage by honey_wheeler (Jim/Pam, NC-17, part 12 of warning_labels)

[icons & graphics]
* 153 Traveling Salesmen icons by little_b0xes
* 9 season 3 & 4 icons by brandyhall_art
* 19 icons by smalltangerine

* BJ Novak will be on Conan O'Brien tonight.

Festschrift stories: for the discerning scranton_times reader.

mark, jim, karen, karen/mark, pam, jim/karen, jim/pam

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