
Oct 26, 2012 09:37

this will be the second tournament i attend without playing in the past three months (sadly, this one doesn't come with amusement parks, but it will likely come with general amusement). there will be many people staying at my house - possibly more people than i can find blankets for given that half my stuff is still packed and in the attic (possibly indicating that i don't really need about half the stuff that i own). i'm most excited about a) company but also b) getting to cook tasty things and have people to share them with. tonight will be enchiladas with rice and beans and chips and salsa, and possibly brownies. tomorrow i think i'll make blueberry boy bait for breakfast, and then we'll all go out for dinner, and sunday probably scones. it's much better to make scones when other people are there to eat them, so that i don't eat the entire 2 sticks of butter and cup of heavy cream that they contain.
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