May 12, 2014 09:18
"It is more difficult to remain happy or positive when ... surrounded by or involved with those who want something different from you than you want to give them. But ... while you may have an experience that only lasts five or ten minutes, and while that experience may be unpleasant and uncomfortable, the majority of your negative emotion comes forth not during the minutes of that negative experience, but ... in all the hours that you ponder and chew upon it after the experience. Usually, there is much more of your time spent in thought of the negative thing that has happened than in the actuality of what is happening.
The majority of your negative experience could be elminated if, in those times when you are alone, you would focus upon what you now want to think about. And then, in those briefer encounters, in those smaller parts of your life experience where you are actually being harassed by another, you will grow stronger in your ability to not notice the harassment so much and, in time, the Law of Attraction will not bring you to those experiences because those thoughts will no longer be active in you."
Abraham, or Jerry and Esther Hicks - from The Law of Attraction