Oct 23, 2007 20:39
1. Forgetting people's birthdays (sorry to stuart and ricky, livejournal tried to let me know but to no success)
2. Medication for a cough making you ill in new ways. Stupid cough medicine.
3. Not living in Glasgow. This is the most stupid of all, I'm busting a gut commuting every day and losing precious sleep and precious time casually having tea with friends only a street away. Stupid Wishaw being nothing like Glasgow.
4. My wee sister being more ill than I am. Poor susan.
5. The belief that writing this post would use up some time.
The thing about splendid isolation is that it is only good for so long, I am officially missing living in Glasgow. My house in the country is turning into a house from hell due to some of the local inhabitants and my house in the city isn't mine, so I can stay and sleep and eat there all I want but it's not mine. Where are my posters and photos and crap that I think would look amusing on walls? Still in boxes thats where. I think I'm starting to become lazy about keeping up friendships, so I apologise for that. I have to make a list of people I have to see and then see them all even if it is for a 10 minute catch up.
I think now I will watch a film and dive under my duvet because I am officially "not feeling too great".