Jan 22, 2007 00:42
Finally having bought "You forgot it in people", which has strong memories of our weekend at Indian Summer in september with non organic burgers, brown sugar in porrige and noodle vans as well as me, ross and the two kids behind us dancing like crazy to kc accidental, I rushed home. Well more walked quickly, I had important things to do in the flat like tidy and procrastinate and get ready for a double birthday celebration! Plus there was a creepy guy in work today, and the back of my mind said he could be waiting outside. He wasn't. But Fopp was just down the road, which is a better type of ambush.
Lynz and I sat around in the flat, the fortess, in my messy room, watching awful videos on you tube and trying to find something good to listen to. I dont know where all my cds have gone, I may have to organise them all again. Or steal them back off susan. Pikey.
I like the merchant city, even if arta was really posh, so posh for a tip you could have perfume and hairspray. I hear thats common practice these days. Well its not in the places I usually end up in. Which says a lot. Nelly turned 21, he's one of the oldest running friendships I have, we arent close but i have known him since I was 2, and my mum and Jenkins mum spoke to each other in the maternity wing. Pre birth friends?
I also like firewater, where mixed messages meant we thought stephen (stee...faaan) and his birthday brigade would be arriving. So we tried to play catch up to the level of drunk we thought they'd be.
I ended up dancing to this charming man. Damn you alcohol! I hate the smiths.
I also also like giving presents in the rain, and having my dear friend stephen beam with joy when he realises that I'm great and buy pocket watches. I like stealing chips and being recognised off of myspace.
I maybe sometimes in the right frame of mind like the ABC, i do not like falling over nor do I like dancing again to this charming man. I was sad yoshi wasn't there because they played our two favourite buff club songs and no one else would dance. Stupid jungle boogie. It started off ironic last year! But I do like being twirled and dipped by the birthday boy and later later on speaking about exciting creative projects and eating late night pizza.
This was almost a proper dear diary update. Oh dear!